not enough (in mourning)
LA is burning, evacuating all day - people posting stay safe - people replying that’s not enough, that doesn’t help.
nothing ever helps
what could possibly help when your school your house your neighbors house your everything is burning
it’s not enough
another social media platform is allowing hate speech, allowing people to call us anything they want because of our gender, our pronouns, our none of your business. they’ve never not been allowed. there was a time when we were mad at tolerance. that’s not enough. that doesn’t help.
we had soup for dinner and laughed when the baby tried to use a spoon, getting soup in her hair.
we lit a candle for a friend’s baby in the hospital, another for the woman we rode the elevator with. she told me about her nephew, he was back from college and came home from a party. someone was in his house and stabbed him 28 times. she carried balloons, little pictures of him tied to the ribbons. I’m so sorry, I said. I’ll pray for your family. It’s not enough. It doesn’t help.
It’s not enough. It doesn’t help.