hey Casey Brown

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in my pockets

Riley and I had a big talk the other night - the question of What am I other than school? came up. There’s high school then homework then dinner then maybe watch a show then get ready for bed then bed, then do it all over again. A common question for all of us, I reminded her. What are we other than get up, go to work, come home, make dinner, clean up dinner, prep for tomorrow, go to bed, then do the whole thing again tomorrow.

We talked about how it can certainly feel like that - especially in certain seasons (like mid-term exam week), but how it’s important not to stay so zoomed out on that big picture of your schedule. That when you do that, you can’t see the pockets of joy that show up in each day. And if you pay close attention to those, you can even find time to prioritize that joy. It’s hard to see when you’re caught in the cycle of just getting to the weekend to get a break, then holding your breath to the next one. But it’s worth it when you can, instead, make note of the little lovely spots along the way.

Here are a few lovely pockets I’m enjoying stuffing my little paws into these days.


Reading has always been a big source of joy, escape, and inspiration for me. I recently rediscovered audiobooks from the library and have loved relaxing or walking the dog while someone tells me a story. I just finished It Was an Ugly Couch Anyway and I didn’t want it to end.


As Riley has gotten older, we’ve slowly introduced her to The Important Things that she missed while being too young for it — like staying up late for the Grammys, or walking to the bodega alone for a snack. Most importantly, we’ve introduced her to Grey’s Anatomy and started at Season 1. Although it certainly feels like we’ll never ever get to the current season, we are having a blast watching together (and sending Meredith and Christina memes to each other).


Every year, I read your Words of the Year and your process behind that reflection. Every time, I consider choosing a word myself, and each year, I determine that I’m not a Word of the Year person, no matter how much I feel like I might be this time around. I’m more of a Word of the Week or Word of the Hour kind of person. I love words and grabbing on to one, holding it, digging deep, and letting go. I’d never make a year. But I love how you do.


Every evening Tully is grumpy and sad and spicy, and it’s become our special time together. I drop whatever else I’m doing (it’s always laundry and dishes) and scoop her up for some Apa & Tully Time. Being the one who can calm her when she’s inconsolable feels like a gift and I look forward to it all day. Apa & Tully Time is our special time of bouncing and walking and talking quietly with her little hands clinging to my sweatshirt, her big deep breath when she can finally relax.

I hope you can stuff your pockets with joy right now and always. Leave a comment if you have a minute, I’d love to see what is bringing you joy right now.